
The Antiparasitic and Antifungal Consortium, which was set up over 15 years ago, brings together researchers, teacher-researchers, hospital practitioners and doctoral students who are passionate about finding new ways of treating parasitic and fungal diseases, either by acting directly on the pathogen or on the vectors (in the case of vector-borne diseases). The CaPF is a fantastic tool for sharing knowledge, offering real opportunities to create links and collaborations within our scientific community. The Consortium has over 200 members from the fields of parasitology, medical mycology, medicinal chemistry and the pharmaceutical industry (human and veterinary). These days bring together academics and professionals involved in therapeutic innovation to take up and accelerate the challenge of discovering more specific and better-tolerated treatments for human and animal parasitosis and mycosis, in a setting conducive to exchange and collaboration.

This year's theme, "From target to drug", is a unifying one for the CaPF. It is part of the One Health concept, and includes human and/or veterinary drug candidates with antiparasitic, antifungal and vector control targets. Three plenary lectures will be given by internationally renowned scientists on the following topics:


- kinases as potential parasite targets (Prof. C. Doerig, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia)





Organising Committee:

Dr Françoise Benoit-Vical, Dr Anne Robert, Dr Lucie Paloque, Dr Jean-Michel Augereau, Dr Emilie Bouhsira,

Dr Emmanuel Liénard, Pr Philippe Jacquiet, Pr Alexis Valentin



- medicinal chemistry (Pr G. Gasser, Chimie ParisTech),

- therapeutic innovation in the fight against insect vectors and parasites (Dr T. Geurden, Zoetis® Europe).

There will also be ample opportunity for oral presentations by young researchers and doctoral students.


The programme selected by the scientific committee will provide an opportunity for interactive and fruitful debate, and for establishing or strengthening solid scientific collaborations.

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